

We’re DDG.


About Us








Unveil Greatness 是 DDG 不變的信念,支持著我們一再突破自我界限。


Our People


Kris Tsao

曹智雄 執行總監

Clara Tsao

曹玉玲 公關暨行銷專案總監

Yee Yan Leong

梁依欣 策略溝通總監

Mark Stocker

史孟康 創辦人

Phoebe Wu

吳奕萱 客戶經理

Charlotte Chuang

莊子萱 資深策略顧問

Nathan Wong

黃韶維 藝術指導

Jude Lin

林暐哲 藝術指導

Will Mitchell

李煜輝 策略溝通

Sharon Chang

張毓潔 設計師

Camile Lin

林暐心 資深設計師

Ann Tsai

蔡博安 資深設計師

Allen Chen

陳仁哲 創意文案

Laura Wen

溫琇晴 設計師

Steffi Cheng

鄭秀圓 公關專案經理

Adela Yu

余至婷 策略溝通

Arlene Liu

劉雨靈 行銷公關經理

Kevin Hsu

許嘉文 製作人

Ally Shih

施怡翎 行政執行

Open Roles


DDG 的品牌策略部門正在尋找品牌策略顧問,與我們一起帶領企業探討品牌發展方向,制定精準且能支持商業成長的品牌策略,幫助企業成為有影響力的品牌。

作為品牌策略部門的一員,我們期待你是一位自信且具有自我驅動力的人,你需要擁有研究、觀察與訊息處理的能力,同時對品牌及品牌策略都有高度的理解力,帶領專案參與成員,探索最佳解決方案。如果你渴望鍛鍊自身洞察力與批判性思維,幫助企業與 DDG 夥伴實現成功,歡迎加入我們,共同激盪,創造卓越的品牌價值,Unveil your greatness! 


  • 解決客戶品牌發展挑戰,發展出精準且能支持商業成長的品牌策略
  • 引領溝通、設計與公關團隊一同解決客戶問題,並確保專案品質
  • 主持客戶會議,帶領討論並形成共識
  • 主持並執行策略討論工作坊與教育訓練
  • 中英文深度訪談
  • 針對專案進行既有資料搜集、產業現況了解與質化研究
  • 提供企業經營與行銷相關建議
  • 與客戶維持良好信賴關係


  • 五年以上協助企業建構品牌策略與行銷策略
  • 具有基本商業與組織管理思維,並渴望學習更多
  • 長期關注國際與台灣市場脈動
  • 擁有產業分析、品牌定位、品牌策略擬定、行銷推廣、公關活動等實務經驗
  • 擁有質化和量化分析經驗,可評估最適合特定專案的研究方法
  • 流暢中英文聽說能力
  • 報告與提案撰寫能力
  • 善於理性思考、客觀剖析,能提出具有意義的個人觀點
  • 擁有豐富報告與提案經驗,能在大眾面前自信演說


  • 曾任職於廣告傳播、公關行銷與品牌設計公司
  • 曾任職於擁有自有品牌的台灣企業
  • 在乎美感與品味
  • 排版與設計能力


對職位有興趣者,請將你的履歷、簡介及相關作品集等,寄至 [email protected]


DDG is seeking a bilingual Communications Strategist with solid experience in brand communications and content development. The ideal candidate is a strategic thinker, articulate writer, and a good collaborator.

As Communication Strategists, we practice effective communication to deliver messages and content that drive brand success. In this role, you will work with other strategists and creatives and lead the communications work for client projects. Your work will include a variety of writing disciplines and will require excellent project management, coordination, and implementation skills.

If you are eager to build a career in leading and shaping brand communication for Taiwanese companies to advance their brands and marketing efforts, join us.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Defining communications strategy and developing content that aligns with the goals of each project.
  • Working closely with strategists and creatives, bridging brand strategy, creative work, and content to ensure comprehensive brand development aligns with the goals of each project.
  • Planning and executing work systematically, including sourcing, collecting, and organizing information through interviews, surveys, and research.
  • Developing creative copy and content including (but not limited to) naming, slogans, key messages, brand and product introductions, press releases, marketing materials, and websites for various businesses.
  • Working independently to complete copy for time-sensitive projects and other projects not requiring close teamwork.
  • Overseeing and proofreading all project deliverables containing English copy, including DDG’s own-use marketing copy, such as articles, case studies, press releases, and website pages.
  • Other work includes coordinating with various teams, preparing presentation materials, and other ad hoc tasks.


  • 3+ years’ experience in marketing or a related industry
  • Native English proficiency (spoken and written)
  • Fluency in spoken Mandarin Chinese
  • Experience conducting interviews and research as part of shaping strategy and sourcing content for writing
  • Experience in presenting research results, ideas, concepts, and strategies articulately
  • Strong interpersonal communication skills and experience working with designers and production teams.
  • The ability to work on multiple projects simultaneously while being organized and thorough
  • Tertiary-level education, preferably in marketing, communications, or journalism

Desirable Requirement

  • Experience with MacOS and iWork office suite, including Keynote, Pages, and Numbers
  • Experience planning and managing a website, with knowledge of SEO techniques and methodologies
  • Able to write well in Chinese


The Communications Strategist’s salary will be commensurate with experience.

How to apply

To apply for this position, please email your CV, a cover letter, and sample writing work to [email protected]

Shortlisted applicants will be contacted by email and may be required to attend up to two in-person interviews, including one on-site writing test. Those who advance to the second will be asked to prepare and deliver a presentation on a selected topic.

Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.

2D / 3D 動態設計師

DDG 正在尋找對於品牌設計有熱情,並對動態設計有充分的掌握度,擅於在 2D 與 3D 之間探索切換的動態設計師。一起在開放交流、鼓勵學習的環境中與專業的國際團隊合作,創造品牌設計的更多可能,同時協助台灣企業提升品牌形象,最大化創意與美學的商業影響力!


  • 與設計團隊一起發想視覺概念
  • 腳本發想與動畫執行
  • 與創意總監、設計師、攝影製作團隊、配樂與旁白協作完成作品
  • 參與專案討論,提供專案規劃與創意執行的相關建議
  • 在期限內完成專案任務並確保品質


  • 二年以上工作經驗,有實際參與專案之作品成果
  • 具有創作能力,發展視覺表現與分鏡
  • 能獨立執行作業,也善於團隊合作
  • 跨領域的思考,能夠在文字概念、視覺畫面、時間軸與空間維度中自由轉換
  • 加分軟體:Blender、Midjourney(其他請列舉)